Peppermint & Loquat Tea | Benefits & Ingredients - qisane | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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Soothe your throat and relieve coughs with our peppermint and loquat herbal teas. Enjoy their digestive benefits and natural ingredients. Order now!

Discover unparalleled relief and comfort with our harmonious infusion, crafted with natural ingredients to soothe irritated throats and promote overall well-being.

Loquat Leaves - Calm and comfort the throat, while also helping to lower blood lipid and sugar levels.

Organic Peppermint - Refreshes breath and acts as a natural decongestant, easing respiratory discomfort.

Ginger Root - Stimulates digestion, enhancing the soothing effects of the blend and promoting overall well-being.

Balloon Flower Root - Nourishes the lungs and kidneys, and relieves coughs, contributing to respiratory health.

Enjoy this exquisite blend, designed to provide holistic relief and comfort.


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