Micromin L

DG Micromin - L/DF is 100 % water soluble micronutrients fertilizer in liquid form with trace elements which are highly effective in both the prevention and cure of micro nutrients deficiencies to ensure optimum crop yield and quality. Every Micro nutrients plays a very important role in plants even though they are required in very small quantity. It supply most essential six micro nutrients together in optimum dose to crops. Eliminating any one of these elements which are in DG Micromin L/DF the plants will display abnormalities of growth.

Dose : Application 200 Itr Water Per Acre
Foliar 500-1000ML
Drip 2-3 li


Specification :
As per Maharashtra State Grade – II
Nutrients Zn Cu Fe Mn B Mo
Content(%) 6% 0.8% 4% 3% 0.2% 0.1%


Available Size:  250ml, 500ml, 1 li, 5 li, 20li.

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